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Hof Cultural & Conference Center

Hof Cultural Center offers excellent facilities for different kind of events. Various rooms and halls in Hof make it easy to arrange everyting from small board meetings and seminars to big concerts, conferences and other art events. The Akureyri Culture Company (ACC) staff is ready to assist with organizing events, whether the issue is technical, logistical or otherwise related to coordination and planning.

Take a look at the facilities and rooms here below and contact us at mak@mak.is or by phone +354 450 1000 for further information.

"Veitingaaðili í Hofi framreiðir fundarveitingar, sér um hátíðarkvöldverði og allt þar á milli í góðu samstarfi við starfsfólk Hofs og skipuleggjendur viðburða í húsinu.

Rýmin í Hofi henta jafnt fyrir stór og smá tilefni og eru öll búin mjög góðum tækjabúnaði. Auk þessa er boðið upp á vinnuaðstöðu fyrir skipuleggjendur funda og veitingaþjónustu fyrir funda- og ráðstefnugesti."

View the rooms/venues here

Pricelist meeting and conference venues (under construction)

Information for organizers

Receptions and Parties

Concerts and performing arts & Pricelist (under construction)   

Conference Brochure Hof