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Art can art

Art can art

Have you ever wanted a behind-the-scenes look at an artist's work?
Svavar Knútur and Anna Richards
Have you ever wanted a behind-the-scenes look at an artist's work?

Are you curious to know where their ideas come from and how they develop?Want to see both the inspiration and the work itself?

The project -Art can Art- consists of 5 artists from different backgrounds meeting and sharing art they have created over time and telling how and where they got inspiration for the works. This takes the form of 5 lectures in March and April, which are open to everyone free of charge.------------Each lecture has a different format, as all the artists approach art in a different way. The events therefore deal with writing, music, movement and two-dimensional and three-dimensional art.

After the lectures, the artists go home and work on new works inspired by something in the lectures.At Akureyrarvaku, the result of the lectures will be shown, but then there will be an exhibition of the works that have been created during the period. It is so intriguing for the visitors who saw the lectures to try to connect the works and where the inspiration came from.-----------The lectures will be held in the hall of the County Libraryon Tuesday, March 7 at 5:00 p.m. – Writing, two-dimensional and three-dimensional art (Sesselía Ólafs, Ragnar Bollason and Soffía Margrét Hafþórsdóttir)on Saturday, April 15 at 2:00 p.m.: 00 – Sound art and movement art (Svavar Knútur and Anna Richards)
❤The SSNE development fund supports the project
Saturday, April 15
Amtsbókasafnið á Akureyri, Brekkugata, Akureyri