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Story time every Thursday at 4:30pm

Story time every Thursday at 4:30pm

Storytime and crafts every Thursday at 4:30 p.m. All welcome!
Let's read the book: Once upon a time there was a penguin. One day, Magni Margæs stumbles upon a large, red, flapping-fluttering object that doesn't seem to do any good. But by staring long enough at the strange symbols the object holds, a whole world of new friends and exciting adventures opens up for Magna. A heartwarming story about the value of books and their importance to all societies.
Author: Magda Brol
Let's read, color, craft snowflakes and have fun together 				</div>
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Thursday, February 9
Amtsbókasafnið á Akureyri, Brekkugata, Akureyri