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Summer workshops 2024

Summer workshops 2024

Summer workshops 2024 are open to all children aged 7-12. years.
Summer workshops 2024 are for children aged 7-12. years. The workshops are open, no need to register in advance.
On Thursday, June 20, we start at 9 a.m. A book called Stjáni og stríðnispúkarnir will be read. Then the group is divided into teams of 3-5 people. One team goes to Break out while the others draw pictures on the windows in the children's ward, then we swich.
*what is Break out? Breakout is similar to "escape" games. The kids are faced with a problem that they have to solve by solving the clues together and manage to open the box before the time runs out.
More information is provided by Eydís children's bookkeeper at eydisk@amtsbok.is
"We encourage you to attend the event in an environmentally friendly manner. The bus is free and all buses stop in the city center 300 meters from the library.
Thursday, June 20
Amtsbókasafnið, Brekkugata, Akureyri