30 Sep Art Wall A cloudy day. Visitors were about to cross the street by Strandgata 17 but that building has an art-wall, which currently displays an art by the artist Úlfur Logason. The name of the artwork is Dárafley.
22 Sep A day of joy Yesterday locals and guests could celebrate the new church been raised on that same spot where the old got destroyed by an fire one year ago.
19 Aug Hiking and biking The valley Glerárdalur which is just above Akureyri (10 min drive). Is a popular hiking and biking area.
15 Aug Trash-monster When in Akureyri - try to spot one of the towns hungry "trash-monsters" that love to eat your waste.
08 Aug Akureyri Art Museum In Akureyri Art Museum several exhibitions ranging from classic paintings to sculptures and more are available from 12 noon - 5 pm daily.
03 Aug New Volcanic Eruption A volcanic eruption started in the afternoon of 3rd August 2022 in a 100m crack down Merardalir by Fagradalsfjall on Reykjanes peninsula.
22 Jul Merchants Weekend Verslunarmannahelgi or Merchants Weekend is celebrated 28th July to 1st August all over Iceland.