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A swim by the Arctic Circle

Visiting the local pool is a must in Iceland, so don't forget to bring your bathing suit! The pools in Iceland are more than a place to go for a swim.


Dimmuborgir - which is an area in the lake Mývatn district, consists of a massive, collapsed lava tube formed by a lava lake flowing in from a large eruption on a crater row some 2300 years ago.


The town was the setting for the 2020 Netflix comedy "The Story of Fire Saga" — and the namesake for an Academy Award nomination 2021.

The first day of summer

The first day of summer (sumardagurinn fyrsti) was held yesterday, 22nd April. This is an annual public holiday in Iceland.

The puffin has arrived

Migratory birds are flocking to their summer breeding grounds in Iceland, and puffins are no exception.

Easter holiday

The first days of the Easter holiday have brought us a lot of sunshine and the first symbols of spring.

Winter storm

It has been an easy winter weather wise, as we have not had to much snow in town, but enough in the mountains.

Akureyri Geothermal Pool

What about a nice pool visit? Akureyri geothermal pool is open all year and very popular amongst locals.