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Kjarnaskógur to Glerárdalur

Discover a diverse hiking and mountain biking haven nestled between Glerárdalur valley and Kjarnaskógur forest.
The area boasts glacially eroded rockss, cliffs, streams, bogs, moors and forests, providing a scenic view of mountains, the town, and the fjord. Notable sites like Kirkjustein, Steinmenn, Skátavörðuna, and the scout huts Fálkafell and Gamli await exploration.

Map of hiking routes 

Tailor your adventure with various circular routes suitable for all abilities and interests, marked by signposts at major intersections and yellow bars on selected paths. For detailed trail descriptions, maps, km lengt, elevation and photos, check the links below

Red Route: Hvammskógur
Pink Route: Kjarnakambur (Gamli)
White Route: Hamrahamrar (Gamli)
Grey Route: Steinmenn
Blue Route: Gamli - Fálkafell
Violet Route: Fálkafell frá Súlubílastæði
Yellow Route: Fálkafell frá Súluvegi
Green Route: Eyrarlandsháls