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Sculptures in snow

Kjarnaskógur Forest near Akureyri is now blanketed in beautiful, fluffy snow.

Extended flight season

The British airline easyJet has decided to extend its flight season between Akureyri and Gatwick Airport in London by a month.

A lot of snow

The snow arrived this past weekend and there is more to come

Unexpected warmth

Just after eleven o'clock last night, the temperature in Akureyri reached 22.3°C (72.1°F)

Wind-carved clouds

Yesterday brought strong winds to the north and west of Iceland, but by evening we were treated to a beautiful sight

First day of winter

In Iceland, the first day of winter, or Vetrardagur fyrsti, was last Saturday, October 26.

Autumn hikes

Autumn colors are still in bloom, so don’t miss the chance to explore one of the many recreational areas in and around Akureyri before they fade away.

Autumn holidays

Autumn holidays are here! Next week, schools across Iceland will be enjoying a well-deserved break.