What's happening

This one's for you


Direct flights from Zurich

The Swiss tour operator Kontiki has announced that, after a successful first year, they will once again offer non-stop flights to Northern Iceland this winter.

Web camera

A new web camera has been installed and is now available on the websites Akureyri.is and Halloakureyri.is.

Medieval Trading weekend at Gásir

Medieval Days took place this past weekend in Gásir, 11 km north of Akureyri.

Aviation Day

Annual Airshow is held in the end of June each year in Akureyri. During this day, you will have the opportunity to view new and old air crafts of various kinds

How to get here

  • There are several airlines flying directly to Akureyri which is the easiest way of visiting, but flying to the main airport Keflavík in the south of Iceland is also an option and then either take a flight from Reykjavík to Akureyri which takes about 40 minutes or drive/take a bus for aprox 4.5-6 hours along main road 1.  More information here.